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A guide to buying land &

property at an online auction

Buying by Auction really is a simple business, but you do need to be aware of the possible pitfalls. There are various matters that you should arrange prior to bidding and these notes contain important information, particularly for those not familiar with Auctions. If you would like any particular point clarified then contact us.

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All available lots will be found at braveheartauctions.co.uk 

Once you have found something of interest, registration is a two-step process. Firstly, click the Register Button at the top of the website and then click and download all available legal documents as these form part of the contract when purchasing a lot.

Guides are provided as an indication of the Sellers minimum expectation. They are not necessarily figures at which a Lot will sell for and may change at any time prior to Auction. Unless stated otherwise, each Lot will be offered subject to a reserve (a figure below which the Auctioneer cannot sell the Lot during the Auction). We expect the reserve will be set within the guide range or no more than 10% above a single figure guide. Please check our website regularly in order to stay fully informed with the up-to-date information.

A deposit payment will be required to secure all land and property lots. A payment equivalent to 10% of the purchase price (subject to a minimum of £3,000) will be made immediately following an acceptable offer. The deposit will be deducted from the purchase price with the remainder to be paid during the conveyancing progress prior to the agreed completion date.

All lots are subject to a Buyers Premium of £3,000. Payment of the Buyers Premium will be required immediately upon the acceptance of an offer. Payment of the Buyers Premium and deposit will immediately be taken from the card details provided in your buyer registration. The Buyers Premium will not constitute part payment of purchase price.

The Auction is conducted in accordance with the Common Auction Conditions and Special Conditions of Sale, both of which are available to download free of charge. Ensure legal documents have been studied prior to bidding.

All legal documentation supplied to us, including Special Conditions of Sale, Title Details, Leases, Searches, Planning Permissions and Plans will be available for inspection prior to the sales.

All properties can be checked for their listed status through the Historic Scotland website by going to their website.

We offer the facility to download the legal documentation directly from this website, subject to registration and log-in.

Prospective bidders are strongly advised to inspect the legal documentation and to consult a legal advisor for independent advice prior to bidding.

If you are intending to bid you are advised to consult a Solicitor/Licensed Conveyancer to give independent advice on the legal documentation, which can be downloaded online from this website.

Finance must be arranged before the date of the Auction and any valuation/survey required by your lender should be completed before you bid. As the successful Buyer it will be your responsibility to insure the property on exchange and you should make arrangements immediately after the sale.

Prospective Buyers are required to make all their own investigations to satisfy themselves as to the condition of all Lots and make any necessary pre-contract enquiries prior to bidding. If you are the successful Buyer then the Contract is binding on the fall of the electronic gavel (when the timer reaches zero).

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You cannot bid in the live auction without a bidding account.

Next live auction- 19th Feb 2025

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In the case where two or more people have placed their maximum bids for the same amount, the earliest bid placed will have priority and will be regarded as the highest bidder.

If your bid is immediately outbid, it means that another bidder has a higher maximum bid set up. You will need to increase your maximum bid if you wish to win the auction.

Yes. If you are bidding on the main online auction website, you will see your maximum bid on the banner at the top of your screen. If you are bidding, using the bid button, you will see your maximum bid below the current bid.

You will also receive an email confirming your maximum bid amount.

Proxy bids can only be placed once bidding has gone live.

When registering to bid online the ID provided is securely stored with Braveheart Auctions.  We are unable to access these ID documents and therefore in addition to the Identity Verification used to register to bid online all successful Buyers will be required to provide the full names and address of the Buyer for Auction Contract purposes, the Bidders details (if these are different from the named Buyer) and the Solicitor/Legal Representative. In compliance with the Money Laundering Act all Buyers are required to provide photographic identification and proof of address.

Photographic identity document such as a current passport or UK driving licence and an original utility bill, council tax bill, building society or bank statement or any other form of identity document (with the exception of a mobile phone bill or credit card statement) that has been issued within the last three months and that provides evidence of residency at the correspondence address.

If the Bidder is acting on behalf of another party, they will be required to provide the documents detailed above for both themselves and certified copies for the named Buyers for whom they act, as well as providing a valid letter of authority from the Buyers authorising them to bid on their behalf.  If the bidder is acting on behalf of a company, the above documents will still be required, together with a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation and identification for anyone with a 25% share or more.

On the fall of the electronic gavel the highest Bidder above the reserve is contracted to buy. The Holding Deposit and Buyers Premium of 3% (subject to a minimum of £3,000) is taken immediately following the successful bid. 

The completed paperwork will sent to the seller’s solicitor who will in turn be in touch with your solicitor. At this point you must insure the property, if appropriate. Completion timescale will be set at 14 days as standard but this may be varied in the individual Special Conditions of Sale.

The Auctioneer is legally authorised to sign the Sale Minute of preferance and enactment on behalf of both the Buyer and Seller. Braveheart Auctions reserve the right to immediately re-offer the Lot if the deposit conditions are not strictly adhered to in accordance with our Conditions of Sale

View our standard auction terms and conditions https://braveheartauctions.co.uk/terms-conditions/

A list of unsold Lots will be available after the Auction stating the minimum price at which that Lot can now be bought. Offers will be submitted on the basis of an immediate exchange of Auction Contracts upon acceptance by the Seller.

View our land and property for sale

See available lots

Land For Sale

Starting bid: £7,500.00

Do not miss your opportunity to own your unique part of Scotland. Beautiful land with excellent access set in the Balquidder Glen with river access....

Land For Sale

Starting bid: £8,500.00

Rare opportunity to create your own heritage in the foothills of Scottish History with an opportunity free from tax in one of Scotland's most beautiful settings....

Land For Sale

Starting bid: £8,000.00

Once in a lifetime opportunity to own your piece of heritage in the long shadow of Scottish heritage....